Custom Search

How does Google Web Search work+Search Tips

Google visits and reads public web pages. Google take a snapshot of each page Google visit. These snapshots are called cached copies. When you search, Google's automated program finds the pages that are most relevant to your search terms and shows those pages to you.

How do I use Google Web Search?

Using Google can be as easy as typing a word or phrase into the Google search box and clicking either the Google Search or I'm Feeling Lucky button (Pressing "I'm Feeling Lucky" button in Google search page takes you straight to the most relevant website that Google found for your query. You won't see the search results page at all, but if you did, the "I'm Feeling Lucky" site would be listed on top). To make the most of your Google search, here are a few tips for choosing search terms that will return the most relevant results. Click any of the tips to read more about them:

Use keywords to search: You'll find the most accurate results by typing words or short phrases - rather than full sentences and questions - into the search box.

Example: If your question is "Can I take my dog with me on my trip to London?" good search terms might be:

[ dog travel London ] [ dog airline London ] [ pet flying ]

Choose keywords carefully and enclose exact phrases in quotation marks: The best search terms are descriptive and specific. Enclosing a few or all of your keywords in quotation marks can help you locate webpages that contain an exact phrase, such as a person's full name, a book title, or song lyrics.

Example: If you're in need of a recipe for cake with a very specific type of frosting, you might perform the following search:

[ recipe cake "toasted coconut frosting" ]

To be continued.......

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